Google Interview Cheat Sheet

It goes without saying that preparing for your job interview will only help you when it’s game time. But when it comes to preparing, are there actually tactics that could hurt you? Let’s take a look at a Google job interview. In January, Businessweek posted an interview preparation cheat sheet with questions from actual Google interviews. Cheat Sheet to Your Best Interview Answers. Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement. CLICK HERE TO GET THE JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS CHEAT SHEET 1. 'Tell Me About Yourself.' This classic opening question should probably be put out to pasture but it’s still one of THE most common interview questions you’ll face and it still seems to trip up a ton of job seekers every year. It's not really a cheat-sheet, but for me I setup a 'java' search keyword in Google Chrome to search over the javadoc, using site. You could do the same but also add the domain for the Sun Java Tutorial and for several Java FAQ sites and you'd be OK. Otherwise, StackOverflow is a pretty good cheat-sheet:).


Here’s a list of questions that address basic practices and general information to consider when training your interviewers.

Google Interview Cheat Sheet Pdf


Do your interviewers...

Glassdoor Interview Cheat Sheet

  • Understand your company hiring process and their role in that process?
  • Know how to prepare for an interview (develop questions, budget time, review resumes, etc.)?
  • Have the skills needed to conduct an interview that leaves the candidate feeling great about your company regardless of whether or not they get an offer?
  • Know how to conduct a legally compliant interview?
  • Know how to provide effective feedback and give a meaningful interview score?
  • Understand the post-interview process?

Google's interviewer training checklist

Google Interview Cheat Sheet Printable

Use, and add to, this list to help prepare your interviewers.

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