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About Cryaotic

I originally began compiling this because one of Cry's victims linked me an image ( of Cheyenne and Cryaotic colluding to involve Russ, Snake and I, with Cheyenne enticing Cry to 'do something good' as a pretty transparent manipulation attempt to let him redeem himself by enacting her vendettas. I am completely unsure why she shared this with a victim that has been actively supporting and working with us. This immediately set off several bright red flags. Cheyenne is a victim of Cry's. She has been completely volatile with rage for years about what Cry did to her. Yet for some reason, they are working together. The abuser and the victim. Working together. To blame other people. She is literally working with her abusive pedophile to try something that changes nothing about either of their well-beings and erases no suffering from victims. There is no interest in healing here, just more of Cheyenne's extremely consistent vendetta against all of us. In defense of Cheyenne, I must say that her hatred of us is also in part due to her being unaware that she was lied to about our knowledge of the situation regarding Cry cheating on her.
However, it has become clear from recent information from victims that Cry is not even closing to atoning for his actions, but is accosting and shifting blame wherever possible. ( ( (
Because of this, we no longer feel it is worth hearing Cry's side of the story anymore and will release this without provocation.
Immediately before this, another victim (albeit less severe) showed that Cry said this ( He went immediately from 'I will not blame anyone for this' to 'I will blame everyone but myself' in a matter of hours. He started drastically changing a couple of weeks ago and I don't know if it was related to medication or whatever. Suffice to say, he flips from 0 to 100 instantly and very frequently.
Regardless, let's go over the actual claim - that we all knew everything.
Only a few days ago, I began talking with a victim who can name themselves if they wish, and started learning the severity of the shit Cry has done. For the record, I personally have been consistent in admitting I knew at one point there was a screenshot of sexual roleplay text with a 16 year old. 6 or 7 years ago I begrudgingly accepted he had a cringey roleplay session with someone that, at least in Florida, would have been legal so I just let it go, assuming it to be a one time event. That was the one thing I knew of and had proof of. In hindsight, yeah, probably should haven't let that go, but I didn't really see any evidence of anything else happening. Still, I can easily apologize for accepting a creepy one-off situation and fully accept being ignorant in that regard. My knowledge of what grooming was that long ago was essentially nonexistent.
And that's pretty much what I knew involving issues that could be deemed illegal. I will not speak for the others as I'm not sure whether or not they had even seen the same screenshot. Obviously there were a slew of other things, some of which we learned at various times like the fact Cry fooled around with Russ's girlfriend. We put the decision to stay on Russ, who chose to stay out of a neccessity for quite literally, his life. Russ has explained why his home life was abysmal on his stream.
Additionally, I kept coming to Cry as I learned more things. I'll keep going, but this is already proof that not only did he keep things from us, but he would actively lie about the things we did confront him on and then try to justify them. ( As a strange side note, Cry responds that he is not aware of everything he's done, which is just a very weird statement.
Here is a victim saying we didn't know because it was covered up to us:
The victim, Ocean, recently released this information himself.
I kept trying to follow up with Cry as I kept getting told more by victims but he kept ignoring all of us. He still responded to other friends and mods, a very consistent example of him talking to us the least out of everyone in the community. As of 6/25/2020 2:41PM, he still has not contacted a single one of us. (
Cheyenne told the group that she was cheated on with Ocean. I don't recall being there at the time, and according to Ocean he doesn't think I was there either:
Regardless, no ages were mentioned during this. We knew Ocean very briefly as I believe he was on Late Night a few times. None of us really spoke to Ocean outside of Late Night, as he later confirmed.
The only source we had for Cheyenne's age was Cheyenne herself, who lied about her own age. That's something I at least understand, as she wanted to protect cry and was undoubtedly being manipulated. That being said, the information we had on her age, untrue as it was, came literally from the person in question. Cheyenne has repeatedly admitted this on Twitter. Here she is defending her age being legal, and then defending the age of consent in Florida:
I must re-iterate that just because she lied about her age doesn't mean she did something wrong there. While she can be a terrible person sometimes, she was still a victim too.
She would later condemn my ignorance to the screenshot situation due to it technically being legal (as far as I knew at the time) while simultaneously holding the same opinion of technical legality while she dated cry as a 17 year old. Again, I do not justify my ignorance.
Cheyenne also personally accused me of threatening her with falsifying data or some bullshit which never happened and of course there is no proof of ( When I asked her about the evidence, she simply stopped responding.
Other than that, there is no other physical media I can show you, but I would hope what was shown here is more proof than the absolutely nothing Cry has put out.
I also want it to be clear, Cheyenne was a bad person. However, when I originally met her, I don't believe she was. It is extremely hard to be sympathetic to someone who so ritually attacks you and your friends, but her personality changed after being with Cry. Whether coincidental or not, I acknowledge it is certainly a possibility that her current behavior is related to what happened to her. Abusers tend to instill their abuse on other people. It is fair to say we feverently dislike Cheyenne and despite countless attacks on our characters, I still find it very hard to blame her for any of this because she was also misled. Her hatred for us being based on false information at the very least, justifies her anger in all of this. I feel none of that justifies colluding with your abuser, but do not shift focus away from the actual culprit in all of this. No one but Cry deserves blame, so leave her alone.
Cry is a spineless, disgusting coward. He tells people he will make no excuses, and blame no one but himself, only to hours later shift blame, when that does absolutely for the victims whatsoever. Recently he has told one of his victims that he still 'loved them and was proud of them' which is just the weirdest fucking thing to say to a victim I can imagine. ( Cry has called himself a coward numerous, numerous times. Even if I had provided absolutely no evidence, it is so blatantly obvious from his personality he would never come close to having the strength to admit to us he engaged in sexual activities with minors, while grooming others. He didn't even tell us about relationships he was in. He lied about Angel, Red, Cheyenne, and countless other things. He doesn't have the spine to make a confession of ANY kind, much less one that is a felony. On top of all of that, we were barely friends, and it appears Cry actually actively disliked me personally. There is not a single convincing reason he would divulge any of this information to us.
Finally here, have this. I received it from a victim who we've been in contact with. 'I didn't know they were underage.' (his old phone number corresponded with the date)
Yeah, real trustworthy fucking guy. Thank you for bringing more stress upon us for absolutely nothing you piece of shit. Imagine fucking with your best friend's girl and lying about it, then taking his next girl and lying about it, then implicating him in your treachery by association, while lying about it. Even if Russ somehow knew literally everything, imagine STILL choosing to continue to be as evil as possible to him, with no regard for the actual victims. You shot him in the heart, then in the face, then shit on his corpse. Your heart is ice and you are beyond redemption. Go fuck yourself.
I apologize for the anger in my words. For all of the vctims we have been talking with and those who wish to justifiably not share their stories, we support you.
- Scott
(P.S, please refer to Snake's post about us going forward. ( We are all ashamed to be associated with this and are disgusted with our ignorance about accusations. We intend to make every improvement listed in his comment. Thanks)

Twitter user 1800PCY posted a Google Document compiling other allegations, including stories from accusers Cheyenne, 'Auri,' and 'Ziegs' as well as responses from Cryaotic's streaming partner Scott Jund, who denied knowing about Cryaotic's behavior. ★(ノ ヮ )ノ.:・゚ ★【★ My Links:★】♡Twitch

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About Cryaotic

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I originally began compiling this because one of Cry's victims linked me an image ( of Cheyenne and Cryaotic colluding to involve Russ, Snake and I, with Cheyenne enticing Cry to 'do something good' as a pretty transparent manipulation attempt to let him redeem himself by enacting her vendettas. I am completely unsure why she shared this with a victim that has been actively supporting and working with us. This immediately set off several bright red flags. Cheyenne is a victim of Cry's. She has been completely volatile with rage for years about what Cry did to her. Yet for some reason, they are working together. The abuser and the victim. Working together. To blame other people. She is literally working with her abusive pedophile to try something that changes nothing about either of their well-beings and erases no suffering from victims. There is no interest in healing here, just more of Cheyenne's extremely consistent vendetta against all of us. In defense of Cheyenne, I must say that her hatred of us is also in part due to her being unaware that she was lied to about our knowledge of the situation regarding Cry cheating on her.
However, it has become clear from recent information from victims that Cry is not even closing to atoning for his actions, but is accosting and shifting blame wherever possible. ( ( (
Because of this, we no longer feel it is worth hearing Cry's side of the story anymore and will release this without provocation.
Immediately before this, another victim (albeit less severe) showed that Cry said this ( He went immediately from 'I will not blame anyone for this' to 'I will blame everyone but myself' in a matter of hours. He started drastically changing a couple of weeks ago and I don't know if it was related to medication or whatever. Suffice to say, he flips from 0 to 100 instantly and very frequently.
Regardless, let's go over the actual claim - that we all knew everything.
Only a few days ago, I began talking with a victim who can name themselves if they wish, and started learning the severity of the shit Cry has done. For the record, I personally have been consistent in admitting I knew at one point there was a screenshot of sexual roleplay text with a 16 year old. 6 or 7 years ago I begrudgingly accepted he had a cringey roleplay session with someone that, at least in Florida, would have been legal so I just let it go, assuming it to be a one time event. That was the one thing I knew of and had proof of. In hindsight, yeah, probably should haven't let that go, but I didn't really see any evidence of anything else happening. Still, I can easily apologize for accepting a creepy one-off situation and fully accept being ignorant in that regard. My knowledge of what grooming was that long ago was essentially nonexistent.
And that's pretty much what I knew involving issues that could be deemed illegal. I will not speak for the others as I'm not sure whether or not they had even seen the same screenshot. Obviously there were a slew of other things, some of which we learned at various times like the fact Cry fooled around with Russ's girlfriend. We put the decision to stay on Russ, who chose to stay out of a neccessity for quite literally, his life. Russ has explained why his home life was abysmal on his stream.
Additionally, I kept coming to Cry as I learned more things. I'll keep going, but this is already proof that not only did he keep things from us, but he would actively lie about the things we did confront him on and then try to justify them. ( As a strange side note, Cry responds that he is not aware of everything he's done, which is just a very weird statement.
Here is a victim saying we didn't know because it was covered up to us:
The victim, Ocean, recently released this information himself.
I kept trying to follow up with Cry as I kept getting told more by victims but he kept ignoring all of us. He still responded to other friends and mods, a very consistent example of him talking to us the least out of everyone in the community. As of 6/25/2020 2:41PM, he still has not contacted a single one of us. (
Cheyenne told the group that she was cheated on with Ocean. I don't recall being there at the time, and according to Ocean he doesn't think I was there either:
Regardless, no ages were mentioned during this. We knew Ocean very briefly as I believe he was on Late Night a few times. None of us really spoke to Ocean outside of Late Night, as he later confirmed.
The only source we had for Cheyenne's age was Cheyenne herself, who lied about her own age. That's something I at least understand, as she wanted to protect cry and was undoubtedly being manipulated. That being said, the information we had on her age, untrue as it was, came literally from the person in question. Cheyenne has repeatedly admitted this on Twitter. Here she is defending her age being legal, and then defending the age of consent in Florida:
I must re-iterate that just because she lied about her age doesn't mean she did something wrong there. While she can be a terrible person sometimes, she was still a victim too.
She would later condemn my ignorance to the screenshot situation due to it technically being legal (as far as I knew at the time) while simultaneously holding the same opinion of technical legality while she dated cry as a 17 year old. Again, I do not justify my ignorance.
Cheyenne also personally accused me of threatening her with falsifying data or some bullshit which never happened and of course there is no proof of ( When I asked her about the evidence, she simply stopped responding.
Other than that, there is no other physical media I can show you, but I would hope what was shown here is more proof than the absolutely nothing Cry has put out.
I also want it to be clear, Cheyenne was a bad person. However, when I originally met her, I don't believe she was. It is extremely hard to be sympathetic to someone who so ritually attacks you and your friends, but her personality changed after being with Cry. Whether coincidental or not, I acknowledge it is certainly a possibility that her current behavior is related to what happened to her. Abusers tend to instill their abuse on other people. It is fair to say we feverently dislike Cheyenne and despite countless attacks on our characters, I still find it very hard to blame her for any of this because she was also misled. Her hatred for us being based on false information at the very least, justifies her anger in all of this. I feel none of that justifies colluding with your abuser, but do not shift focus away from the actual culprit in all of this. No one but Cry deserves blame, so leave her alone.
Cry is a spineless, disgusting coward. He tells people he will make no excuses, and blame no one but himself, only to hours later shift blame, when that does absolutely for the victims whatsoever. Recently he has told one of his victims that he still 'loved them and was proud of them' which is just the weirdest fucking thing to say to a victim I can imagine. ( Cry has called himself a coward numerous, numerous times. Even if I had provided absolutely no evidence, it is so blatantly obvious from his personality he would never come close to having the strength to admit to us he engaged in sexual activities with minors, while grooming others. He didn't even tell us about relationships he was in. He lied about Angel, Red, Cheyenne, and countless other things. He doesn't have the spine to make a confession of ANY kind, much less one that is a felony. On top of all of that, we were barely friends, and it appears Cry actually actively disliked me personally. There is not a single convincing reason he would divulge any of this information to us.
Finally here, have this. I received it from a victim who we've been in contact with. 'I didn't know they were underage.' (his old phone number corresponded with the date)
Yeah, real trustworthy fucking guy. Thank you for bringing more stress upon us for absolutely nothing you piece of shit. Imagine fucking with your best friend's girl and lying about it, then taking his next girl and lying about it, then implicating him in your treachery by association, while lying about it. Even if Russ somehow knew literally everything, imagine STILL choosing to continue to be as evil as possible to him, with no regard for the actual victims. You shot him in the heart, then in the face, then shit on his corpse. Your heart is ice and you are beyond redemption. Go fuck yourself.
I apologize for the anger in my words. For all of the vctims we have been talking with and those who wish to justifiably not share their stories, we support you.
- Scott
(P.S, please refer to Snake's post about us going forward. ( We are all ashamed to be associated with this and are disgusted with our ignorance about accusations. We intend to make every improvement listed in his comment. Thanks)

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